Tuesday, April 1, 2008 at 8pm
Curated by Brian Frye and Bradley Eros
Ubi umbras, ibi fatuis [Where there are shadows, there will be fools.]
“April 1st: This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three-hundred and sixty-four.” – Mark Twain.
Calling all ye fools! April fools, holy fools, royal fools, crazy fools, fools tragic, innocent & lovelorn. Ye jokers, pranksters, and just plain idiots. On a day honoring the Scottish custom known as “hunting the gowk,” (i.e. the cuckoo) & other festivities of absurdity dating back to antiquity, the “original” Robert(a) Beck Memorial (Mercurial) Cinema - Brian Frye & Bradley Eros – present, not an exaltation of larks, nor a murder of crows, but a ship of fools, daffy & loony, dim & running amok! Featuring FILMS – new, tarnished & disinterred, all brought to light for the occasion – by Elle Burchill, Jeanne Liotta, Marie Losier, Deadly Doris (Die Tödliche Doris), the Brothers Mekas & Kuchar, Tony Ganz & Rhody Streeter & Aphex Twin. PLUS, silent comics & moronic soundies, early porn & looney tunes.
Remember, fortuna favet fatuis [fortune favors fools], but fortuna caeca est [fortune is blind].
R.O.D., Elle Burchill, video, 2008, 3 mins
The Life of Sid Vicious, Die Tödliche Doris, Super-8, 1980, 10 mins
A Trip Through the Brooks Home, Tony Ganz and Rhody Streeter, 16mm, Year Unknown, 10 mins
Manifesto aka Struck by the Hand, Jeanne Liotta and Andrew Castrucci, video, 2001, 11 min
Time and Fortune Vietnam Newsreel, Jonas Mekas, 16mm, 1968, 4 mins (with Adolfas Mekas)
If I’d a known you was bringin’ a girl, I'd of put my teeth in, Elle Burchill, video, 2007, 5 min (featuring Rodney Cross)
Whack, Kent Lambert, video, 1999, 6 mins (with Phillip Michael Thomas)
Eat My Makeup!, Marie Losier, 16mm, 2005, 6 mins (featuring George Kuchar, et al.)
Fools! aka Simple Simon Psilocybin, Bradley Eros, 8mm/16mm projection performance, 2008, 7 mins
Soundie with Vince Peabody, 16mm, 193?, 3 mins
Getting His Goat aka On The Beach, 16mm on video, 1926, 7 mins
Honeymoon Hotel, Tony Ganz and Rhody Streeter, 16mm, Year Unknown, 5 mins
[Lipstick Jungle], 16mm, Year Unknown, 5 mins
Windowlicker, Chris Cunningham, video, 1998, 10 mins (featuring Aphex Twin)
Tickets - $6, available at door.